Medical medium - Surgeons in Spirit

Medical Intuitive and Medium

I am privileged to work with my uncles in spirit who were both esteemed surgeons when alive. One was a Royal Navy Surgeon Commander the other an RAF pilot before training in medicine and latterly an air-crash investigator. They provide the healing link in other dimensions and I work like the electrical plug in, often they tell me 'You won't understand this' so I watch as vibrational medicine takes place in a swirl of lights . Working together over the years we have seen tumours disappear from x-rays or shrink on scans, blood tests reverse from bad to good, and lives extended into years when people have been given three month to live. Blood clots have  thinned and emergencies and accident impacts diminished. I am ever grateful to be able to call on  their expertise from the other realms.

I am also a trance medium connecting with those who have passed over guided by my grandfathers, this  gives us certainty that life continues after death and can resolve unfinished issues and end broken hearts.  Most ancient cultures know this but the modern world has forgotten.

To connect with loved ones who have passed over. 

All appointments are 60 minutes, with no additional charge if we run over time.

Please  call 074455 22737 or email me make an appointment for a sitting. 


Reconnect with those on the other side in a remote reading appointment via Zoom.